"At times I think my coffee and tea addictions truly drive my artistic energy. It’s a small sacrifice for the greater good."

The joys and pitfalls of weight loss

Posted: 11/11/09 | Written by Jeannie |

There is something to be said about my journey through the weight loss valley. Let me briefly catch you up to speed if you do not know what I’ve been going through.

You see two and a half years ago I went to the doctor and they told me I was borderline diabetic. I’ve always been big but I’ve always been healthy. The doctors before then had never even mentioned that I was overweight or that I was on the road to diabetes. What I was told was that I was healthy, so I figured while I was not too happy with my size -- at least I was okay. The day I got results back from the doctor telling me I was borderline diabetic at age 24 was the wakeup call I needed. I went to the nutritionist covered by my healthcare plan but she didn’t tell me anything that was new. In fact she told me that my 1200 calorie diet was good for me. And the diet that I had been using for the last 6 months was the correct diet for me. The only problem being I hadn’t lost any weight in six months and still felt horrible.

Super Size MeImage via Wikipedia

Enter Vinca, oh Vinca I love you.

I was sitting at home watching Supersize Me and being disgusted like the rest of America – when I noticed the ending, Alex (Morgan’s soon to be wife then) Jamieson had helped her husband loose all but 30lbs that he had gained in 8 weeks. However, her approach was not through calories, but through eating correctly. I called her up after emails and such and was sadden to hear that she worked mainly with men clients and was about to have her first child so she would not be able to work with me but referred me to Vinca.

Vinca was not covered under my insurance, but I knew that I needed an expert. I promptly signed the six month contract and started down the holistic health food goodness track. Over the course of the six months I lost 45lbs through eating alone. When I started that journey I remember telling Vinca, "What would be the point of working out if I didn’t know how to eat correctly." By the end of the six months, I was elated but sad. I had gotten very attached to Vinca and her German accent. The giddy "Yah" that instantly brought joy into my day – it was infectious, perfect and soon to be over.

Though, I did not know that I would lose my very well paying job the next month. As anyone knows this is not conducive to a weight loss plan. I soldiered on keeping my head up, and thankfully found a new job and was able to continue on. After about a year of readjustment and learning to live on substantially less I found myself actually still living through Vinca’s holistic health goodness. I was surprised that I had kept the weight off through the tumultuous transitions in the work place. But now, I was ready to work on the working out part.

I started with three days a week, 15 minutes on the recumbent bike and then a lot of weights. Eventually that was too easy so I upped it to 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. That worked for a while, but I knew I would have to work my way up to the upright bike which worried me. See, I nurse my back, after carrying around the girls up top for so long and adding in some fairly massive damage done to it in a car accident -- well you would too. However, eventually I got there. I could ride tall for 30 minutes without hurting my back. My weight loss though had dwindled to a hope filled glance at the scale.

I didn’t know what I was doing wrong. I was working out semi regularly I should have seen results. But alas nothing – I was maintaining the same weight. I wasn’t gaining or loosing but stayed the same. This is when I decided I needed an expert. It’s funny how those experts can help. I talked to a friend of mine, who just so happens to be really, ridiculously handsome and toned – and he agreed to help out.

You may have seen me update my Facebook with accomplishments and such. I know I was extremely happy when I walked 1.8 miles in thirty minutes and even more so now that I walk 2 miles a day, something I never thought I would be able to do. Though I’m not at my goal of 180lbs I am ready and willing to share with you the fruits of my labor. After all I think by January I will hit my goal, but I’m too excited to share with you my progress. Especially after today when I did my weigh in and was saddened to see no weight loss, but 5+ inches lost from my body.

Starting weight: 307
Current weight: 219
Total Inches lost (since June): 17.5"